Graduate Degree Completion Services

The Graduate College provides advising services to faculty, staff, and students related to academic policies and procedures required to earn a graduate degree from Florida Atlantic University. Degree Completion provides support for services including: the graduate Plan of Study, Admission to Candidacy, Thesis and Dissertation Guidelines and Formatting, Graduation Certification, and Form 10 Petitions to Request to Waive a University Requirement. Degree Completion Services supports the academic success of graduate students through advising appointments, workshops, and special events. For graduate student deadlines, click here.

Questions? Please contact or 561-297-2203 for more information or to request an appointment.

Graduate Academic Advising

All graduate students at Florida Atlantic University are advised by faculty or staff in the student’s home department/degree program. To contact your advisor, look up your program here and contact the person listed in the top right corner. You will work with your advisor(s) to create and submit a formal Plan of Study to the Graduate College’s Degree Completion office no later than half-way through your required course work. You and your advisor will continue to work together to revise and finalize your Plan of Study prior to the beginning of the term in which you intend to graduate.

Graduate College Forms

The Graduate College provides advising services to faculty, staff, and students related to the timely and accurate submission of required Graduate College Forms. These forms include: Plan of Study, Revision, Candidacy, Academic Progression Plans, Requests to Waive University Requirements, and Application for Degree.

Graduate Academic Policies

The online University catalog enumerates policies, requirements, and other essential details regarding graduate degree programs at FAU. Graduate students should be familiar with the graduate information contained in the Academic Policies and Regulations and Degree Requirements sections of the catalog. Please note that the online catalog is the official source for this information. Please click here for a list of graduate specific academic policies copied from the Course Catalog. Please click here for a list of forms that are processed through the Graduate College.

Graduate Plan of Study

All degree-seeking graduate students should have an approved Plan of Study on file with the Graduate College no later than half-way through their required course work and before enrolling in thesis/dissertation credits, if applicable. Students must have an approved Plan of Study on file with the Graduate College prior to the term in which they intend to graduate. All students receive written confirmation when their Plan of Study is approved by the Graduate College. Click here for detailed information.

Admission to Candidacy

Admission to candidacy is universally recognized as a milestone for any graduate student pursuing a doctoral degree. The State University System requires that all doctoral students be admitted to candidacy before they are allowed to take dissertation credit hours. Since doctoral programs are given great latitude to establish when and how candidacy is earned, it is important for you to familiarize yourself with your program's candidacy requirements. Once you have met all the requirements, simply submit the Admission to Candidacy for the Doctoral Degree (Form 8) to the Graduate College so that you can be cleared to take your required dissertation credit hours.

Supervisory Committee

Each graduate student preparing a thesis or dissertation shall have a supervisory committee comprised of at least three members of the graduate faculty or associate graduate faculty. One of the members shall serve as the chair of the supervisory committee. The supervisory committee shall approve the student's plan of study, monitor the student's academic progress, approve the thesis subject, evaluate the thesis defense, and approve the final document. Click here for a complete list of Graduate Faculty.

Thesis and Dissertation Guidelines

For students writing a thesis or dissertation as part of the graduation requirements for a degree program, please consult the Thesis and Dissertation Guidelines for specific instructions on the preparation, formatting and publication of your thesis, and how to submit your manuscript to the Graduate College.

Approaching Graduation

As you prepare to graduate, there are a number of steps to complete. It is important that you work closely with your advisor and department to ensure you have met all requirements to complete your advanced degree. This can include but is not limited to: an approved Plan of Study on file with the Graduate College, completion of a thesis/dissertation/special project, oral or comprehensive examinations, clearance of all incomplete grades, and an application for degree. Click here for detailed information.

Request to Waive a University Requirement (Form 10)

Exceptions to graduate policies and procedures must be submitted for approval using Request to Waive a University Requirement Form (Form 10). All requests must be reviewed by the degree-granting program, the appropriate college dean and the dean of the Graduate College. Please note that this process does not concern itself with grade reviews (see University Regulations, Chapter 4, Regulation 4.002, Student Academic Grievance Procedures for Grade Reviews) nor does it act on any financial matters, including refunds for dropped classes or withdrawals..

Graduate Lounge Access (FAU Library)

FAU's Boca Raton Campus S.E. Wimberly Library offers Graduate students, Postdoctoral students, Medical students, and Undergraduate Honors students access to the Graduate Student Lounge located on the second floor west in the library. For all inquiries, please vist the FAU Libraries website, call 561-297-3762, and/or email Boca Raton