Academic Integrity

Examples of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to, the following: 

(A) Cheating

  1. The unauthorized use of notes, books, electronic devices, or other study aids while taking an examination or working on an assignment.
  2. Providing unauthorized assistance to or receiving assistance from another student during an examination or while working on an assignment.
  3. Having someone take an exam or complete an assignment in one's place.
  4. Securing an exam, receiving an unauthorized copy of an exam, or sharing a copy of an exam.

(B) Plagiarism

  1. The presentation of words or ideas from any other source or another person as one's own without proper quotation and citation.
  2. Putting someone else's ideas or facts into your own words (paraphrasing) without proper citation.
  3. Turning in someone else's work as one's own, including the buying and selling of term papers or assignments.

(C) Other Forms of Dishonesty

  1. Falsifying or inventing information, data, or citations.
  2. Failing to comply with examination regulations or failing to obey the instructions of an examination proctor.
  3. Submitting the same paper or assignment, or part thereof, in more than one class without the written consent of both instructors.
  4. Any other form of academic cheating, plagiarism, or dishonesty.

Click here to read the full contents of Regulation 4.001 Code of Academic Integrity.