Prisca Augustyn

Prisca Augustyn

Dr. Prisca Augustyn
Ph.D., Germanic Linguistics
University of California Berkeley (2000)

Areas of Expertise

Linguistics, Semiotics, German


Dr. Prisca Augustyn teaches courses in linguistics, semiotics, and German studies. She is interested in the role language plays in shaping our beliefs, the pragmatism of daily life, and attitudes towards the living world. Her research addresses the history of ideas in linguistics and related fields, biosemiotics, and ecolinguistics (cognitive linguistics and discourse analysis). Dr. Augustyn coordinates the German Language Program. Together with Nikolaus Euba (UC Berkeley) she is co-author of Welten , an introductory German language program, and Stationen , an intermediate German program published with Cengage.

Recent Publications

Augustyn,P. (2024). "Ungainly lexical borrowing? The case of the Anglicism der Shitstorm in German." Linguistic Frontiers, 6(3) 1 11.

Augustyn, P. (2023) "Can the ‘Master Narrative’ of   Growth  be Replaced by New Stories of  Shrinking  and  Degrowth ? A Biosemiotic Perspective on the ‘Stories we Live by’"   Biosemiotics . 

Augustyn, P. (2023) " Funktionskreis ,   Gestaltkreis , and   Situationskreis  in the context of integrated medicine."  Semiotica . 

Augustyn, P. (2022) "Pragmatism and The Fixation of 21st  Century Food Beliefs."  Food Ethics  Vol. 7, 7. 

Augustyn, P. (2021) "Solar Energy Discourse in the Sunshine State."  Sign Systems Studies  49 (1/2) 63–85. 

Augustyn, P. (2018) "Animal Studies in the Language Sciences."  Biosemiotics  11/1.  Dordrecht: Springer. 121–138. 

Current Courses

LIN3010 Introduction to Linguistics
LIN2607 Global Perspectives on Language
LIN4802 Semantics
LIN4810 Introduction to Semiotics
LIN3003 Language Matters
GER1120 Elementary German Language and Culture 1
GER1121 Elementary German Language and Culture 2
GER2220 Intermediate German
GEW2104 Readings in Intermediate German